Time to Check the Pee-Mail!

Lucy Dantas here. (I know, I'm a major dork. Just humor me.) Below is a photographic tour of my favorite spots to hit on my daily walk through Milwaukie.

Milwaukie High School mural ...

... in front of Mayor Bernard's garage! Mom says the Mayor's a superhero, but I have yet to see him in a cape and tights. And I watch, believe me, I watch. Just ask the postman.

"Much to learn, I still have." Is this dude giving me bunny ears? I paid for a scalp massage. Damn those Jedi Mind Tricks.

...Milwaukie Lumber... Mcarthy-ism is apparently alive and well... How about "Lucy Dantas, here's your sign!"

...the parental units' favorite breakfast place. Uncle George not only keeps them nourished, but entertained...

I think they have books about dogs in there...

...the new mixed-use development in town, called "North Main Village." My idea of mixed use? One-stop-shopping for dinner, potty, a treat and a nap.

...Pietro's Pizza, a virtual utopia of fatty cheesy neon goodness...

...Wind Horse Cafe. Seriously good ho cho. That's "hot chocolate" for you non-hipster types...

...City Hall. Mom says she gets in fights here sometimes. Then she asked me to stop talking about it. And she controls the treats, so I do what she says. Well, most of the time.

Hanging with my homeys, Alien and the Predator. CuteOverload.com calls it "interspecies snorgling." What can I say - I have an open mind, and their sophisticated palates do not include a hankerin' for the canines.

... ahh, Foxy's... discount cigarettes and all online Lotto, WAHOOO! What more could a dog want? Or a respectable citizen/consumer, for that matter? Astronauts can see the orange neon signs from outerspace, but I have a feeling that even the martians are afraid of this joint.

... Uncle Randall and Uncle Greg's house. It's near our house, but sits on the water. Someday, we'll live here. They don't know that... yet. They also don't know that they're honorary uncles... yet. In time, in time...

That's it for the walk. Next time, we'll check in on the (former - hallelujah) pawn shop shaped like a ship, the waterfront and Mr. Parecki's swanky establishments. Until then... it's time to torment the cat.